script to ftp recent changed files

I am trying to write a script to ftp all files/directories changed in a 24hour period to another AIX server. I have wrote a script to generate a list of all files changed within a 24 hour period but dont know how to then ftp these to another server. How do incorporate ftp into this script?


PROG=`basename $0`
DATE=`date '+%d-%m-%y:%T'`

exec > $LOG 2>&1

/usr/bin/logger -p "[$PROG on `hostname`] starting"

# Find all files changed within the last 24hours excluding /proc
find / -name proc -prune -o -ctime 1 -ls > $LOG

/usr/bin/logger -p "[$PROG on `hostname`] completed successfully"

exit 0

rsync or rdist may be better tools to do what you are looking for.

Thanks. I've never heard of rsync, but after looking it up on wikipedia it looks like it will do everything I need. Cheers.