Script: nslookup few hosts at once

Hi Expert,

Is there anyway for me to nslookup more than one host at one time, instead of doing it one by one.

Thank you.

May be this might help you..

      host [server]  Look up information for host using the current default
                     server or using server if specified.  If host is an
                     Internet address and the query type is A or PTR, the
                     name of the host is returned.  If host is a name and
                     does not have a trailing period, one or more domains
                     are appended to the name (this behavior depends on the
                     state of the set options domain, srchlist, defname, and
                     search).  Answers from a name server's cache are
                     labeled ``non-authoritative.''
for i in `cat host.txt`; do nslookup $i; done