Script for "Crawling a doc"

Hi Everyone
How you doing all.Im planning to write a script that will crawl a MS-Document
and should take the values from it.Is it possible at all.Im not a scripting guru just want to know your thoughts..

Im planning to do some thing like this:

Microsoft Document has:



I would like to write a script that would crawl particular document and should fetch me those values..

Appreciate your help guys

First, convert it to a text file. There is a command, antiword, to extract the text from a MS .doc file.

Hi John
Thanks for the quick reply.I have to use this thing at work and I see it doesnt come with linux/unix by default and we have to install it is a freeware .Is there any other way around.


Why do you want to use a Unix shell script if you are not in a Unix environment?

We use unix systems to process the requests and our users give us what they need using MS Docs...So I thought instead of manually reading all the values from MS Doc crawling the .doc would be a great idea which ofcourse will reduce my time.

A tatty way:
strings document|grep "what you want"

Hi methyl
Miraculously it did worked man.Iam able to get the values exactly what Iam looking for.Thanks buddy.