scriping expect/send

Trying to script an application's interactive add-user function with expect/send.

So far no information is sent, but the add-user function is called.

Any help appreciated! Many Thanks

#!/usr/bin/expect -f

#PATH to add-user: PATH to expect

#Set Variables

set login "app-adm2"
set password "App-password"

#Add user command

expect "*?ogin :*"
send -- "$login\r"

expect "*?ogin password :*"
send -- "$password\r"

expect "*?ogin password (again) :*"
send -- "$password\r"

expect eof

I think you might want to use:

spawn app1-adduser

Also, have a look at autoexpect to generate some code based on a real interactive session.

Thanks Peterro!

Autoexpect worked like a charm!

$autoexpect -p ./app1-adduser

(note: I used -p flag b/c some text from app1-useradd broke the script when it read directly from interactive session. -p flag looks for the prompt. man autoexpect has info.)

Here is the code it generated:

set timeout -1

spawn ./app1-adduser

match_max 100000

expect -exact "Login : "
send -- "app-adm\r"

expect -exact "Login password : "
send -- "App-password\r"

expect -exact "Login password (again) : "
send -- "App-password\r"

expect eof