SCO 6. Backup & Restore from USB

Finaly got usb working on sco6.
If anyone need help with that just ask.

My final goal is to able to do a complete system backup/restore to/from usb.

The problems I need help with

  1. Can't cpio to usb device. Getting an error message device not found

  2. When booted from sco6 emergency cd it seems there is no way to
    mount/detect usb.

If anyone have any thoughts please share


I am at the beginning of your way. I mean I wan to create CD with bootable SCO (kind of rescue CD for SCO). Do you have any procedure/advices where could I start? I would be very grateful for any help.

Assuming your sco6 pc has cd-burner.

Then change directory to sbin and do a listing of:
# cd /sbin
# l emergency*
-r-xr--r-- 1 bin bin 10821 Aug 18 13:49 emergency_disk@
-rwxrwx--x 1 bin bin 26445 Aug 18 13:49 emergency_rec@

then just do this
# emergency_disk cdrom1

Just follow the instructions and u will be ok.
Here is where I found it

Under SCO OpenServer 6.0.0 and UnixWare 7.1.4, I can't access the USB DAT Tape Drive via the newly created Emergency Recovery CD (DRF) in order to do a system restore.

Great thanks!!

I'll check but as I remember my sco hasn't got any cd-burner. If so I'll try to find any and install it or I'll use pendrive as you did.