Save value from output of Corestat and save in a list for each core

I am trying to modify the "corestat v1.1" code which is in Perl.The typical output of this code is below:

Core Utilization          
    CoreId     %Usr     %Sys     %Total 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
      5        4.91      0.01      4.92 
      6        0.06      0.02      0.08 
      7        0.04      0.04      0.08 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
     Avg       1.67      0.02      1.69

Now I would like to save the "%Total" of each "CoreId" if it goes over (for example) 5. I need to put it in a list, and if the list size becomes 4, then I want to perform something. So far I am able to write the data only for the last core and it is not saving in the list, rather it is everytime just giving me the last number.
Here is the "Corestat_v1.1" code:

 #!/bin/perl -w
    #  Corestat version 1.1
    #  Typical input line will look like :
    #  20.024   1  tick    231640  53787286  # pic0=L2_imiss,pic1=Instr_cnt,nouser,sys
    #  OR
    #  18.006   0  tick     79783  27979245  # pic1=Instr_cnt,pic0=L2_dmiss_ld,nouser,sys
    #  Note : 
    #  1. Version 1.1 supports only UltraSPARC T1 processor
    #  2. For offline analysis based on cpustat data, use following command
    #     to capture the data : 
    #     cpustat -n -c pic0=L2_dmiss_ld,pic1=Instr_cnt -c pic0=L2_dmiss_ld,pic1=Instr_cnt,nouser,sys 1
    # Define constants here 
    *DEFAULT_FREQUENCY = \1400 ; # 1400 MHz
    *DEFAULT_INTERVAL = \1 ; # 1 sec 
    $frequency = $DEFAULT_FREQUENCY ;
    $interval = $DEFAULT_INTERVAL ;
    &clear_stats () ; # Initialize 
    $flag = " " ;
    $val = " " ;
    if ($#ARGV >= 0) {
      while ($#ARGV > -1) {
        $arg = shift @ARGV;
        if ( $arg =~ /^-(.)(.*)$/ ) {
          if ( $flag eq "f" ) {
            $val = shift @ARGV;
            if ($val) { $fname = $val ;}
            else { &print_usage () ; exit ; } 
          } elsif ( $flag eq "i" ) {
            $val = shift @ARGV;
            if ($val) { $interval = $val ;}
            else { &print_usage () ; exit ; } 
          } elsif ( $flag eq "r" ) {
            $val = shift @ARGV;
            if ($val) { $frequency = $val ;}
            else { &print_usage () ; exit ; } 
          } elsif ( $flag eq "h" ) { 
            &print_usage () ; 
            exit ; 
          } elsif ($flag eq "v" ) {
            &print_version () ;
            exit ;
          } else {
            printf ("$0 : Invalid option -%s\n", $flag) ;
            &print_usage () ;
            exit ;
        else {
          printf ("$0 : Invalid option %s\n", $arg) ;
          &print_usage () ;
          exit ;
    if (($frequency < 1000) || ($frequency > 1400)) {
      printf ("$0 : Invalid frequency - %d MHz \n", $frequency) ;
      &print_usage () ;
      exit ;
    } else { $max_mips = $frequency*1000*1000 ;}
    # if ($interval < 10) {
    #  $interval = 10 ; # Minimum reporting interval
    if ($fname) { open (fd_in, $fname) || die ("Cannot open $fname") ; }
    else {
      open (fd_in, "/bin/id |") || die "Can't fork : $!" ;
      $line = <fd_in> ;
      close (fd_in) ;
      if ($line =~ m/uid=0\(root\)/i) {
        open (fd_in, "priocntl -e -c RT cpustat -n -c pic0=L2_dmiss_ld,pic1=Instr_cnt -c pic0=L2_dmiss_ld,pic1=Instr_cnt,nouser,sys 1 2>&1  |") || die "Can't fork : $!" ;
      } else {
        printf ("$0 : Permission denied. Needs root privilege... \n") ;
        &print_usage () ;
        exit ;
    while ($line = <fd_in>) { 
      $line = " " . $line ;
      @list = split (/\s+/, $line) ;
    #print "after_split:@li
      $len = $#list ;
      if (($len >= 7) && ($list[3] ne "total")) { # Ignore header and totals
        $cpu_id = $list[2] ;
      #  print "$list[0]\t$list[1]\t$list[2]\t$list[3]\t$list[4]\n";
      #  print "cpu_id: $cpu_id\n";
        $pic0 = $list[4] ;
      #  print "pic0: $pic0\n";
        $pic1 = $list[5] ;
        # Detect mode for which data is collected
        if ($list[7] =~ m/nouser,sys/i) {
          $mode = 1 ; # system mode
          $sys_mode = 1 ;
        }elsif ($list[7] =~ m/sys/i) {
          $mode = 2 ; # Total time
          $tot_mode = 1 ; 
        }else {
          $mode = 0 ; # User mode
          $usr_mode = 1 ;
        # Detect which counter holds instruction count
        if ($list[7] =~ m/pic1=Instr_cnt/i) {
          $instr_ctr = $pic1 ;
        } else {
          $instr_ctr = $pic0 ;
        if ($cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu_id][$mode] == 0) {
          $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu_id][$mode] = $instr_ctr ;
          $unique_events ++ ;
        else { # Save minsamples
            if ($interval==1) {
          $minsamples=$unique_events * ($interval*1000)/($usr_mode+$sys_mode+$tot_mode) ;
            else $minsamples = $unique_events * ($interval-($interval%($usr_mode+$sys_mode+$tot_mode))) / ($usr_mode+$sys_mode+$tot_mode) ;
          if ($nsamples == $minsamples) {
            &print_stats () ;
            &clear_stats () ;
            $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu_id][$mode] = $instr_ctr ; # Save the current sample
            $unique_events++ ;
          } else {
             $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu_id][$mode] = ($cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu_id][$mode] + $instr_ctr)/2 ;
        $nsamples++ ;
    &print_stats () ;
    sub clear_stats () {
      $cpu = 0 ;
      $m = 0 ;
      $nsamples = 0 ;
      $minsamples = 0 ;
      $usr_mode = 0 ;
      $sys_mode = 0 ;
      $tot_mode = 0 ;
      $unique_events = 0 ;
      while ($cpu < 32) {
        while ($m < 3) {
          $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu][$m] = 0 ;
          $core_stat_pic1[$cpu/4][$m] = 0 ;
          $m++ ;
        $m = 0 ;
        $cpu++ ;
      $core_avg_pic1[0] = 0 ;
      $core_avg_pic1[1] = 0 ;
      $core_avg_pic1[2] = 0 ;
    sub print_stats () {
      $core_id = 0 ;
      $cpu = 0 ;
      $ncores = 0 ;
      $header = 1 ;
      # Process sequentially
      while ($cpu < 32) {
        $core_id = $cpu/4 ;
        $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0] += $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu][0] ;
        $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1] += $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu][1] ;
        if (($cpu+1) % 4 == 0) {
          if ($core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0] || $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]) {
            if ($header) {
              &print_header () ;
              $header = 0 ;
            printf ("  %d       %5.2f     %5.2f     %5.2f \n", $core_id, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips + $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips) ;
        $core_avg_pic1[0] += $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips ;    
        $core_avg_pic1[1] += $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips ;    
            if (util > 0.1) {
                while ($m <6)
                    $x_core_util[$core_id][$m] = $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips + $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips;
                else continue;
        $ncores++ ;
        $cpu++ ;
      if ($core_avg_pic1[0] || $core_avg_pic1[1]) {
        printf ("------    -----     -----    ------ \n") ;
        printf (" Avg      %5.2f     %5.2f     %5.2f \n", $core_avg_pic1[0]/$ncores, $core_avg_pic1[1]/$ncores, $core_avg_pic1[0]/$ncores + $core_avg_pic1[1]/$ncores) ;
    sub print_header () {
      printf ("\n") ;
      printf ("        Core Utilization          \n") ;
      printf ("CoreId     %%Usr     %%Sys     %%Total \n") ;
      printf ("------    -----     -----    ------ \n") ;
    sub print_version () {
      printf ("Corestat : Version 1.1 \n") ;
    sub print_usage () {
      printf ("\n") ;
      printf ("Usage : corestat [-v] [[-f <infile>] [-i <interval>] [-r <freq>]] \n\n") ;
      printf ("                  -v          : Report version number \n") ;
      printf ("                  -f infile   : Filename containing sampled cpustat data \n") ;
      printf ("                  -i interval : Reporting interval in sec \(default = 10 sec\)\n") ;
      printf ("                  -r freq     : Processor frequency in MHz \(default = 1200 MHz\)\n") ;
      printf ("\n") ;

So, the code is running continuously. I am adding the list in the &print_stats() sub-function:

sub print_stats () {
      $core_id = 0 ;
      $cpu = 0 ;
      $ncores = 0 ;
      $header = 1 ;
      # Process sequentially
      while ($cpu < 32) {
        $core_id = $cpu/4 ;
        $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0] += $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu][0] ;
        $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1] += $cpu_stat_pic1[$cpu][1] ;
        if (($cpu+1) % 4 == 0) {
          if ($core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0] || $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]) {
            if ($header) {
              &print_header () ;
              $header = 0 ;
            printf ("  %d       %5.2f     %5.2f     %5.2f \n", $core_id, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips, $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips + $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips) ;
            $core_avg_pic1[0] += $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips ;
            $core_avg_pic1[1] += $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips ;
            $average_util = ($core_stat_pic1[$core_id][0]*100/$max_mips + $core_stat_pic1[$core_id][1]*100/$max_mips);
            $ncores++ ;
            if ($average_util > 0.1)
            &decision ($average_util,$core_id);
        $cpu++ ;
      if ($core_avg_pic1[0] || $core_avg_pic1[1]) {
        printf ("------    -----     -----    ------ \n") ;
        printf (" Avg      %5.2f     %5.2f     %5.2f \n", $core_avg_pic1[0]/$ncores, $core_avg_pic1[1]/$ncores, $core_avg_pic1[0]/$ncores + $core_avg_pic1[1]/$ncores) ;
    sub decision () {
             @x_list = @_;
            print @x_list;
            @x_average_util = ($_[0]);
            @x_core_id = ($_[1]);
            $size_avg_util = scalar (@x_average_util);
            print "size: $size_avg_util\n";
            if ($size_avg_util>=  5)
            printf "Utilization over: 5:"  ;

and the output I am getting is:

 Core Utilization          
    CoreId     %Usr     %Sys     %Total 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
      5        0.04      0.02      0.07 
      6        0.03      0.01      0.04 
      7        0.01      0.01      0.02 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
     Avg       0.03      0.01      0.04 
    min_samples:48  unique_sample: 24
            Core Utilization          
    CoreId     %Usr     %Sys     %Total 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
      5        0.01      0.02      0.03 
      6        0.02      0.04      0.06 
      7        0.03      0.01      0.04 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
     Avg       0.02      0.02      0.04 
    min_samples:48  unique_sample: 24
            Core Utilization          
    CoreId     %Usr     %Sys     %Total 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
      5        0.01      0.02      0.03 
      6        0.04      0.02      0.06 
      7        0.01      0.01      0.01 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
     Avg       0.02      0.01      0.03 
    min_samples:48  unique_sample: 24
            Core Utilization          
    CoreId     %Usr     %Sys     %Total 
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
      5        0.01      0.02      0.03 
      6        0.04      0.31      0.35 
    0.3451689285714296.75size: 1
      7        0.18      0.01      0.19 
    0.1929574285714297.75size: 1
    ------    -----     -----    ------ 
     Avg       0.08      0.11      0.19 

Notice the "size: " is always 1. :frowning:
I think I am making some basic mistake in the concept.

Please help...