Samba install on AIX 5.2

Ok I'm still trying to figure AIX out, I was used to HP-UX until they switched our server to AIX in February and all of the other servers are Linux which appears to be much more friendly. AIX is, well, NOT.

I am trying to install Samba so I can copy files onto a Windows SQL server - that's all I intend on doing. I used SMIT to install the following from the AIX Toolbox for Linux Application CD -


And everything appeared to install fine; if I try installing again it says it's already installed. HOWEVER, I can't find it!! It's not in the usual locations and I am not succeeding in doing a search with the ls -R command.

Any ideas? Our vendor won't support our installing Samba but if I can just figure out how to reference it, I'm off to the races.

Thanks in advance!


AFAIK the Samba package from the AIX Linux Toolbox is in RPM format. No AIX problem involved so far as the native AIX package manager ist installp. Try
# rpm -qa
to see which packages are installed and use
# rpm -ql <packagename>
to see where the files where installed. Use
# rpm -e <packagename>
to uninstall.
To find out which command SMIT used to install look into the smit.script file in the home dir of the user you used to install the packages. Btw. looking into smit.script and smit.log files is a great way of getting acquainted with AIX.

Check if it is there with

rpm -qa | grep -i samba
# or
lslpp -l| grep -i samba

Also a lot of samba packages on different OS'es are installing in different locations. The most confusing I have seen yet was on some older SuSE Linux installation.

Nevertheless, if you find it installed with commands I wrote, you can list the files and see the paths to them with either

rpm -ql <insert samba's packagenames here>
lslpp -f| grep -i samba

That does show me where the files are. Simply trying to mount a single directory from a Windows 2000 Server to write DB2 files to. The way I do it on the Sourcemage Linux server is so completely different from this AIX. In Linux it's set up in /etc/fstab but in AIX apparently it's /etc/filesystems - trying to get the syntax correct for that one.

But thanks for your help!!!

You might want to consult the Unix Rosetta Stone for some of the differences between Linux and AIX. IIRC there is also a Redbook from IBM, which adresses SunOS-AIX convertees. SunOS is - as far as i know - very close to Linux so probably this is of relevance for you.

I hope this helps.


Great link, I'm reading through it now!!