Running Windows "inside" a Linux-like OS?

I'd like to know if it's possible to run Windows "inside" a Linux-like OS similar to how you can run Linux in Windows, rather than dual-booting them both. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I want to do some serious parallel computing which Windows isn't even capable of at the moment... But I'd also like to do *everything* Windows can do, not that I'm in love with Windows or anything. I hope one of you guys know the answer to this. Thanks.

Yes you can. Look into WINE Wine HQ. I personally haven't implemented it yet, but have heard decent things about it.


Oh good deal, thanks.

Oh wait, this might work... But I meant literally running Windows in Linux... not just running a Windows emulator. Does anyone know if that's possible?

VMware will support both.
I'm not sure if there are any other virtualisation tools available for Linux.

you can do that by using virtual box

I would look in to Virtualbox too. I use Vmware in professional environment, but on personal level Virtualbox is just as good :b:. Also, it's free to use and has many features that VMware offers.

Nitin :slight_smile: