run vi/vim encrypted shell script without decryption on multiple servers

Hello Everyone,

How do we run vi/vim encrypted shell script without decryption on multiple servers. It is a simple bash script and vim -nx <filename> has been used to encrypt with desired password. Now I have few errors, the syntax is absolutely fine as I have run that script multiple times on many servers without encryption, tried to change file permissions to executable and still did not work, please let me know what is it that I'm missing. Please think of EMC grabs, Veritas grabs etc... their tech support will send us 1 or 2 files and we need to give those grabs executable permissions (while they are encrypted) and they will collect all the necessary information, that is exactly how I want to run the script.

[user@redhat ~]$ sh line 2: syntax error near unexpected token `)' line 2: `*�f<��^
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