Run cygwin in .bat file

Hello everyone,

I've written quite a few AWK scripts to run in cygwin and now, I would like to run them one after the other in a .bat file. The problem is, I tried modifying the .bat file used to run cygwin in the first place, but whenever I change something, it doesn't work.
The PATH is set up correctly if you wonder... I've read some posts on this forum and elsewhere, but everything I tried didn't work.

First I need to change directory, but when I use cd, it says "No such file or directory".
Even when in the command prompt I type "c:\cygwin\bin\bash awk" (for example), it says /usr/bin/awk: No such file or directory...

Here is a bat file I use that doesn't work...

@echo off

chdir C:\cygwin\bin

bash --login -i 'cd /cygdrive/m/qc'

If you have any idea, please tell me!
Thank you.

add c:\cygwin\bin into %PATH%

C:\Documents and Settings\xxxx>echo %PATH%

It's the first thing I did. So it's not the problem...

if someone want to know, you need to do this:

bash -i -c 'your script' 

and it's done... the -c does the trick.