Ruby/AWS 0.3.2 (Default branch)

Ruby/AWS is a high-level Ruby language interface to the Amazon Associates Web Service API v4. It aims to automate and remove the grunt work of interacting with the Amazon API and, in so doing, make it much easier to use. Ruby/AWS is the successor to Ruby/Amazon. License: GNU General Public License (GPL) Changes:
Serialisation, e.g. with Marshal and YAML, has been a problem until now. This is because subclasses of Amazon::AWS::AWSObject are created as needed when XML responses from AWS are parsed. Whilst there is no problem dumping objects instantiated from such classes, the difficulty arises when later loading and attempting to reinstantiate them in a new process, because the dynamic classes that spawned them no longer exist. The solution to the problem comes in the form of the new methods Amazon::AWS::AWSObject.load and Amazon::AWS::AWSObject.yaml_load.
