Rsync help - unable to delete the Source file

Hi All,

I am facing problem deleting Source while using the rsync command.

rsync --include=`date --date="-1 day" \+\%Y\%m\%d` --include=`date +\%Y\%m\%d` --exclude=* --delete-after -auvb -e ssh USER@SERVER:SOURCE DESTINATION

However the sync happens but not the deletion of the source file.

I tried giving the source 777 permissions.

also i don't get any error message saying unable to delete or something like that.

FYI ) The source and destination accounts are different and the source is a member of destination group.

Please help

Thanks and Regards,

That's probably because rsync synchronizes the remote directory with the local, so that in the end both look the same. There is no option to delete the source files afterwards (just look at the man page), you'll have to do that yourself. The --delete* options just tell the destination when to delete files that disappeared at the source (before/after/during).