Roman Numeral Conversion API 0.0.4 (Default branch)

Roman Numeral Conversion API performs Romannumeral conversions and formats date data usingRoman numerals and Latin. The romandate command issimilar to the standard Unix date command. Theromannum command provides command line conversionto and from Roman numerals. Libroman contains the functions roman_ctime(), roman_asctime(), and roman_strftime(). These functions provide the same functionality as ctime(), asctime(), and strftime() using Roman numerals to generate the strings.License: GNU General Public License v2Changes:
The long2roman() and roman2long() were re-named to int2roman() and roman2int(), which more closely match the actual data types used by these functions. The old function names will still work. roman2int() is more strict about the Roman numeral syntax. Invalid numerals such as VX, VV, IIIII, IC, and IXI now produce an error. Romannum now auto-detects the type of conversion to perform instead of depending on a command line switch.
