RHEL4&5 Automount for USB/CDROM/DVDROM

Hi Guys,

as above, how do I enable automount for USB/CDROM/DVDROM in RHEL4 & 5?

I have searched the forum on this topic but didn't find any.
Also searched the net but it seems confusing and there are different ways to do things depending on the distros.

Btw, I am on RHEL command line only with no GNOME or KDE.


It is usually in /etc/auto.misc. The default RHEL5 auto.misc contains the appropriate entry i.e.

cd              -fstype=iso9660,ro,nosuid,nodev :/dev/cdrom

Hi fpmurphy,

ya, i check the auto.misc file.

It contain that entry uncommented, however it does not mount the cdrom when one was inserted into the drive.

Any idea what else i need to enable?


well simple way would be

#vi /etc/fstab

/dev/cdrom              /mnt/cdrom              auto    defaults        0 0

what this will do is on your system start or reboot it will mount the drive.
and everytime you put in the cd you will have access to it in /mnt/cdrom.
also i think you have to run

#mount -a

you dont have to mount it to /mnt/cdrom
you can mount to which ever directory you want it to mount on.

i dont know why but with REDHAT,and SOLARIS system i have installed the drive will not open with eject button..so type command and be outside the /mnt/cdrom directory


Check your system-config-services and see if autofs, haldaemon and messagebus/dbus are enabled. You may also want to check your settings under /System/Preferences/Removable Drives and Media