RHEL NFS share on Solaris 11.3 vers=4

NFS server: RHEL:6


Client: Solaris 11.3
vfstab entry :       -       /archive_data   nfs     -       yes     rw,soft,vers=4
# ls -ld /archive_data
drwxr-xr-x   4 root root 4096 Jun 20 19:19 /archive_data

Upon mounting, permission changed to nobody:nobody

mountall -r
# ls -ld /archive_data
drwxr-xr-x   4 nobody   nobody      4096 Jun 20 19:19 /archive_data

Please assist .

Are the NFSv4 domain names the same on both machines?

Please check the ownership of the /nfsdb in your RHEL server. If /nfsdb owned by root:root Check the domain name in /etc/default/nfs otherwise Try to create same user and group in client and give the same ownership to /archive_data then try to mount them. Let's see how it works.


Resolved by .

  1. Adding "fsid=0" at NFS server exports as it's NFSv4
  2. Start rpcbind service at client