RH 7.2 FTP Server Config

Is it possible to ftp from WinXp to a Linux box? I have the the ftp server set up to take the request from the WinXp box but each time I try to connect I keep getting an error, Connection established, unknown error(windows ftp program) or if I try to ftp from the DOS prompt I get ftp connect: unkown error number.

Other then configuring the ftp files i was wondering if there was any other files that have to be configured. :confused:

Your problem might be related with the xinetd services running on redhat. Open the file /etc/xinetd.d/ftp and make sure you have a line called disable=no . If this line doesn't exist, then add a line at the top of the file. Now its time to restart xinetd by the command service xinetd restart. I guess this's gonna solve your problem.


OK I will try that. I didn't even think to check that. So as compared to using Samba there is no special configuration?

I have resolved my issue and now I am able to ftp from WinXp to my Linux box. I had a friend of mine along with sansolaris's post(much thanks) so I wanted to pass them on. The main reason why I could connect is because I didn't change the wu-ftpd file. Here are the steps I used. If anyone would like to make any suggests, please feel free.

  1. Install WU-FTPD (it is an RPM on the CDs)
  2. Edit /etc/xinetd.d/wu-ftpd
    Change the last line to "disable=no"
  3. Edit /etc/ftphosts
    Add a line as follows:
    Allow user_name * (the * is from where you can access FTP-- *
    means anywhere. You could lock this down to a particular IP or
  4. That's it... it should be up and running. You might have to restart the
    xinetd. You can do that by typing "/sbin/service xinetd restart"
  5. You might want to check your firewall rules... most medium to high
    security rules will not allow inbound FTP access. You can flush the rules
    by typing either:
    /sbin/iptables -F
    /sbin/ipchains -F