restart the network on freeBSD 7.2


howto restart the network with a wireless interface including wpa_supplicant on freeBSD 7.2 without reboot?

Please Refer to the FreeBSd handbook.

starting, restarting and stoping the network in freebsd


I actually found the freebsd handbook to be a bit useless in this respect in the way that it always gave examples using inetd and putting parameters into your rc.conf file.

For a wireless device, I find this is daft.

Have a look at the wpa_supplicant.conf example file for how to craft the wpa_supplicant file. Once that is done, it is usually as simple as...

# wpa_supplicant -Dbsd -iath0 -c/etc/wpa_supplicant.conf
# dhclient ath0

*This is done from memory so some spelling mistakes may occur :stuck_out_tongue:

I use wpa_supplicant for anything wireless related now rather than using ifconfig and all that.

Hope this helps.

edit: same info posted above.