Restart service xinit.d or init.d ?

How do I restart init.d ?? (centos 6.5)

Actually, you don't. init.d is (or used to be) a directory with boot or configuration scripts to be run at boot time or to restart/stop the respective daemons or services.
init is THE core process that runs the entire system - don't even think about tinkering with it!

What be the reason for your question? Please explain what you want to do.

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thanks for replay
i read in a article . that existence under /etc/xinit.d (super server)
In that article was written . when than init enter memory . it was read inittab .then management services to leave the /etc/xinit.d

When this file restarts its services under review and make the changes the
file initd.d such as file xinitd.d stay The difference is that all services within the file is written and read line by line and then apply the changes
how was /etc/initd.d lunched ?