replace spaces/tabs with delimiter |


I'm looking for a command that replaces spaces/tabs with pipe symbol and store the result to the same file instead of routing it to another file.





perl -i -pe 's/[ \t]/|/g;s/$/|/' file

What about consecutive spaces/tabs? One pipe symbol for any or one for each sequence?

First case:

sed 's/[<spc><tab>]/|/g' /path/to/source > /path/to/target

Second case:

sed 's/[<spc><tab>][<spc><tab>]*/|/g' /path/to/source > /path/to/target

This cannot be done with any stream-oriented tool (sed, awk, ...). Just move the result file in place of the source file afterwards:

sed '<somecommand>' /path/to/source > /path/to/target
mv /path/to/target /path/to/source

Replace "<spc>" and "<tab>" with literal space and tab characters in the above code.

I hope this helps.


printf '%s\n' '1,$s/[<space><tab>]/|/g' w q | ed -s file >/dev/null

If you like living dangerously (although I wouldn't recommend it):

(rm file; sed 's/[<space><tab>]/|/g' > file) < file

If using the C/POSIX locale, you can use [[:blank:]] instead of [<space><tab>].


Sorry but this command fails for multiple spaces/tabs.

$ cat file
asd asdf
sdgf            aasdf

$ ruby -ne 'puts $_.split.join("|")' file

Sorry but my machine doesnt supports ruby command.

Surely this is false, what about:

sed -i 's/[[:blank:]]/|/g' file

Thanks, but this command replaces each space/tab with a delimiter which i dont expect. And i have removed the i option as it is not supported in my machine.

While that may be convenient, it's not doing anything in place. It creates a temp file and then clobbers the original with it. It's just a shortcut for the procedure in the post to which you are responding.

If you truly want to do it in place, you'll need to use something like ed or ex.


I managed to do it with this command

Thanks Alister, I was not aware of the -i implementation detail, which is interesting. :b:

I like your passing of commands to ed to perform the edit, which seems very natural - use the editor to make edits. But I wonder why the -i implementation did not do something similar. Moreover, why all sed versions do not have this feature is strange.