Replace space, that is not in html tags <> with new line using sed

Hi, I am working on transforming html code text into the .vert text format. I want to use linux utility sed. I have this regexp which should do the work: s/ \(?![^<>]>\)/\n/g. I use it like this with sed: echo "you <we try> there" | sed 's/ \(?![^<>]>\)/\n/g' ... The demanded output should be:
<we try>
But I get the same string as on input. Is the regexp wrong? Or am I using sed incorrectly? Thanks for your help.


sed 's/ /\n/g'


Franklin - that will split <we try> into


That's my problem, I need space characters in html tags not to be replaced by \n. Only if spaces not in '<' and '>'.

One way ....

sed -e 's/ /%/g' -e 's/\(<[^>].*\)%\(.*>\)/\1 \2/g' -e 's/%/\

Thanks man, but there's one problem, and that is, if there is more than one html tag on the line, it doesn't replace space characters only in the last one. For example: damn <here is> <the problem> transforms into this:
<the problem>
Any idea how to deal with this?