Replace aword in a.The replaced word should not be overwitten in perl(details inside)

Hi i am trying to write a perl program where i have to open a

1)directory "unit"
2) rename the files in the dir say file1.txt;file2.txt...file5.txt
to file1_a.txt;file2_a.txt,....file5_a.txt ;file1_x.txt ;file2_x.txt
3) open these renamed files and replace the words

lets say file1_a.txt has something like this
hello there

the program should search for file1,file2,file3,file4,file5 and file2_x and file1_x and replace it with file1_a or file2_a ,file1_x_a and file2_x_a.

its should not do something like this to the data file2_a_x or file2_a_x_a or file1_a_x or file1_a_x

Please help me with this..

let me know if you have more questions

What you've got so far? Because based on your description it suspiciously sounds like homework.
A good start would be looking at the description of the Perl functions opendir, readdir, glob, and rename (either with perldoc -f <function> or online)

:p... its not an home work :)....I did open dir and rename the files in dir. The only problem i have is with data in the files that i opened to be not over written... example file1_x should not be replace as file1_a_x or file1_a_x_a....I tried to explain the issue in deatiled manner so i had given all the details... i will upload whta i have in a bit...

here is what i have so far

$dirname = "all";
print "The dir that we are processing is $dirname :\n";
##########Open a Directory called all and  cp each unit in it to########
#example  dir to dir_a###############################################
opendir(DIR, $dirname) or die "can't opendir $dirname: $!";
foreach $file(readdir DIR)
    next if $file =~ /^\.\.?$/;
    `cp -r $dirname/$file $dirname/${file}_a`;
    $dirname1 = "$dirname/${file}_a";
##########Open a Directory just named dir_a and rename all files in it########
#example  file1.txt to file1_a.txt or file2.txt to file2_a.txt file1_x.txt to file1_x_a.txt

opendir(DIR1, $dirname1) or die "can't opendir $dirname1: $!";

    foreach $file1(readdir DIR1)
    next if $file1 =~ /^\.\.?$/;
    $file1=~/(.*)\.([^\.\t ]+)$/ ;
    print "$dirname1/$file1\n";
   print "$dirname1/${file_name}_a.$file_ext\n";

    `mv  $dirname1/$file1 $dirname1/${file_name}_a.$file_ext `;
##########Open a file that was just named file1_a.txt and rename the the words in it that say file1  with file1_a(should not dosomething like
file1_a_a) and file1_x to file1_x_a (it should not do something like this file1_a_x or file1_a_x_a)
foreach $newfile_list (@newfile_list)

    open(afile, "$newfile")or die " Can not open $newfile \n";
    open(afile1, ">$newfile.tmp")or die " Can not open $newfile.tmp \n";

        $_=~s/$newfile_list/${newfile_list}_a/ ;
        #print afile1  $_;

     print afile1  $_;


close(afile)or die "can't close $newfile : $!";
close(afile1)or die "can't close $newfile.tmp: $!";

#`cp $newfile ${newfile}_org`;

`cp $newfile.tmp $newfile`;
`rm $newfile.tmp `;




The problem that i ahve is iam overwrite the words..which i dont want to...

then take out the substitution:

$_=~s/$newfile_list/${newfile_list}_a/ ;

how will i replace $newfile_list then?

Sorry, maybe I misunderstood, try using the word boundary anchor (\b) in the regexp in the search side:

$_=~s/\b$newfile_list\b/${newfile_list}_a/ helped...

I got lucky.... you're welcome.