Replace a field with line number in file

I am working on a script to convert bank data to a csv file. I have the format done - columns etc. The final piece of the puzzle is to change the second field (after the R) of every line to reflect its' line number in the file. I am stumped. I can use awk on each line but need help looping through the file.

Sample file below:


Any assistance greatly appreciated!


awk '$2="\"" NR "\""' FS=, OFS=, infile
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in perl:

 perl -pe 's/""/$./' input

This will replace first "" one with current line number as per your input sample.

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Sed version

$ cat <<eof | sed -e 's/""/1/'



$ cat <<eof | awk '!x{x=sub(/""/,1)}1'


@ akshay:
your solution will give always 1 as a replacement.

in sed we can try with


but i didnt succeed to replace in the required field.

@greet_sed try this awk

$ cat <<eof | awk 'x="";!x{x=sub(/""/,NR)}1' 


That cannot work because = does not modify the pattern space. = writes directly to stdout and there is no way to capture its output to strip newlines from within the sed instance itself.


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Various field separators:

awk '$2=NR' FS=\",\" OFS=\",\" file
awk '$4=NR' FS=\" OFS=\" file


sed = file | sed 'N; s/\(.*\)\n\([^,]*,"\)/\2\1/' 

Great! This did the trick:

awk '$2="\"" NR "\""' FS=, OFS=, infile

Now I need to add a comment string to a couple of fields for every line in the file. Different comment string for each field.

In below file, fields 7 and 8


Thank you again.

try something like:

cmt1="this is comment 1"
cmt2="this is comment 2"
awk -v cmt1="$cmt1" -v cmt2="$cmt2" '
{$2="\"" NR "\"";
 $7="\"" cmt1 "\"";
 $8="\"" cmt2 "\""; } 1
' FS=, OFS=, infile