Repetitive ending of script


I am quit satisfied with this scrtipt and really don't want to change anything but the end. I get a repetitve option when I want to "quit"
and don't know why. What am I missing? When I press q to quit
with this script, I get an EXTRA "Enter " How do I correct this so that when I
press q, I immediately exit, and see nothing else but the prompt and no additional words. Thanks.


The script is below.

echo "Enter 1 to Add"
echo "Enter 2 to Subtract"
echo "Enter 3 to Multiply"
echo "Enter 4 to Divide"
echo "or q to quit"
while [ "$Enter" != "q" ]
read Enter
case $Enter in
1) echo "Add"
echo "Enter a number"
read num1
echo "Enter another number"
read num2
sum=$((num1 + num2))
echo "The sum of number 1 and number 2 is: $sum";;
2) echo "Subtract"
echo "Enter a number"
read num1
echo "Enter another number"
read num2
sub=$((num1 - num2))
echo "The difference of number 1 and number 2 is: $sub";;
3) echo "Multiply"
echo "Enter a number"
read num1
echo "Enter another number"
read num2
prod=$((num1 * num2))
echo "The product of number 1 and number 2 is: $prod";;
4) echo "Divide"
echo "Enter a number"
read num1
echo "Enter another number"
read num2
div=$((num1 / num2))
echo "The quotient of number 1 and number 2 is: $div";;
echo "Enter another selection or q to quit"

You may add

q) exit;;

before the esac statement towards the end.