Removing Numbers

Below is a scattered representation of numbers .

[0][0]1[0]  2[0]
  1[0]1     2[0]2  

  1[0]1      2[0]2  
[0][0]1[0]  2[0]
[0][0]1[0]  2[0]
  1[0]1      2[0]2  

[0][0]1[0]  2[0]
  1[0]1     2[0]2 

I need to display only the following sequence "[0]" and delete of the remainder from the output. The output should look like

[0][0][0]  [0]
  [0]     [0]

  [0]      [0]  
[0][0][0]  [0]
[0][0][0]  2[0]
  [0]      [0]  

[0][0][0]  [0]
  [0]     [0]  

Plz help me out

one way sed s:[1-9]::g infile

Negating RE's is always tricky and the added complexity of matching "[0]" smacks of homework.

Here is a brute force awk solution that chops out the bits you want ([0] and space).

awk '{while(match($0, "[[]0]| ")) {
    printf "%s", substr($0, RSTART, RLENGTH)
    } printf "\n"}' infile