Removing encrypted lvm partition

Hi guys,
let me start by saying I appreciate your assistance always.

I was practicing how to encrypt partitions in my server. I encrypted an lvm partition using luks and when I tried to remove the partition using lvremove, I get this message

Logical volume vg10/lvol1 is used by another device.

How do I go about removing this encrypted partition?

Thanks alot


Have you tried unmounting the filesystem and closing the volume?

[root@temp4 ~]# lvremove /dev/mapper/luks01vg-luks01lv 
  Logical volume luks01vg/luks01lv is used by another device.
[root@temp4 ~]# umount /luks
[root@temp4 ~]# cryptsetup luksClose /dev/mapper/luks1
[root@temp4 ~]# lvremove /dev/mapper/luks01vg-luks01lv 
Do you really want to remove active logical volume luks01lv? [y/n]:

Thank you very much Mr Scottt