Remove particular record from a file

I am having 110 records in a file and I want to delete particular record (say 63rd) . Which command can be use to achieve this ?

in ksh you could have a script with: -


nawk -v ln=$LINE ' NR != ln { print } ' infile

or on the command line: -

nawk ' NR != 63 { print } ' infile

or to redirect to a file: -

nawk ' NR != 63 { print } ' infile > outfile


sed -n '63!p' file
sed '63d' infile > outfile


sed -i '63d' inoutfile

The records need to be newline separated, and record 1 needs to be on line 1

thankx for the solution . It working fine.
But i want to try this using 'WHILE' loop.
Suppose 10 records are there and I want to delete 5th and 9th records.:slight_smile: