Remove newline in middle of string

my file input is with tab as delimiter, and in every line, there would be a skip of line with an unexcepted newline breaker. I'd like to remove this \n and put the information in the same line.

a1 b1b2 c1
c2 d1
a2 b3 c3 d4

a1 b1b2 c1c2 d1
a2 b3 c3 d4

Bests regards

Thanks lot for your help

awk '{ L=$0 ; getline ; print L $0 }' FS="\t" OFS="\t" inputfile

I have a similar doubt
i have my input file as follows:
>some lines of text
>some lines of text

i want the output as
>some lines of text
>some lines of text

basically I want to remove the new line characters at the end of lines which are not starting with '>'. I tried sed '!/>/s/\n//' but to no avail. any help would be highly appreciated!

sed does not match across lines that way, that method of matching only gets single lines.

awk '/>/ { if(L) print substr(L,2); print; L=""; next } { L=L"\n"$0 } END { if(L) print substr(L,2) }' inputfile

Regarding post #3, what follows ssumes that there are no blank lines in the original data.

A different tack, which uses AWK to massage the format so that a second AWK can leverage its multiline record handling capability (which simplifies the logic):

awk '/^>/{print ""}1' file | awk '{print $1; $1=""; print}' OFS= RS=


Another approach:

awk '/^>/{$0=(NR>1)?RS $0:$0;ORS=RS}!/>/{ORS=""}END{printf "\n"}1' file

Thanks guys for the code n yeah for correcting my interpretation of sed! somehow the third answer seems to be working with my requirements..havnt really used awk in my work explanations of the codes stated above would really help me learn something!

Thanks again!! :slight_smile:


awk '
/^>/ {                                  # If current record starts with > ( /^</ )
        $0 = (NR > 1 ? RS $0 : $0)      # If current record number is greater 1 (NR > 1) set it to newline followed by current record (RS $0)
        ORS = RS                        # Set Output Record Separator to Record Separator (ORS = RS) [ RS is newline by default ]

! />/ {                                 # If current record does not contains pattern > ( !/>/ )
        ORS = ""                        # Set Output Record Separator to "" (ORS = "")

END {                                   # END Block
        printf "\n"                     # Print newline
} 1                                     # 1 == true, so print current record
' file

Note: ORS, RS, NR are special variables in awk . Please check the awk manual pages for further reference. I hope this helps.

Bravo!! Thanks a ton again!! :smiley:

$ sed -n "/^>/{x;s/\n//2gp;}; /^>/! {H;}; $ {x;s/\n//2gp;};" file
>some lines of text
>some lines of text