remove brackets and put it in a column and remove repeated entry

Hi all,

I want to remove the remove bracket sign ( ) and put in the separate column I also want to remove the repeated entry like in first row in below input (PA156) is repeated

ESR1 (PA156) leflunomide (PA450192)  (PA156) leflunomide (PA450192) 
CHST3 (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644)  (PA26503) docetaxel (PA449383);thalidomide (PA451644) 
LPL (PA232) fenofibrate (PA449594) 
GALNT14 (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526)  (PA134920089) cisplatin (PA449014);fluorouracil (PA128406956);mitoxantrone (PA450526) 
CTLA4 (PA27006) glatiramer acetate (PA449760

I want output for first row and other rows shuld be like this format

ESR1  PA156  leflunomide  PA450192  leflunomide PA450192 

By default the delimiter is a space so you don't have to do any code.



actually I edited the out put now.

I need this output compare to above mentioned input of first row

ESR1  PA156  leflunomide  PA450192  leflunomide PA450192