remove a path from PATH environment variable

I need a script which will remove a path from PATH environment variable. For example

$echo PATH

$echo rmv

Here I need a shell script which will remove rmv path (test/rmve) from PATH (/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:test/rmve:/usr/games) and update the PATH as /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/usr/games

I have used the following line for this

PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$rmv';;' -e 's;'$rmv':\?;;')
export $PATH

This is working fine only in Linux but not in AIX or Sun or any other OS

Can someone please help me in this?




tags when posting code, data or logs, ty.

PATH = echo $(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$APPLYPTF_DIR';;' -e 's;'$APPLYPTF_DIR':\?;;')

When defining a variable there may be no spaces left and right of the equal sign. This will not even work on Linux usually. Also that 1st echo outside $() is useless.
I did not check the rest but try it with this and add an export to make it work:

PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$APPLYPTF_DIR';;' -e 's;'$APPLYPTF_DIR':\?;;')
export PATH

Sorry, there is a typo in the thread description.. I updated it now

I used

PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$rmv';;' -e 's;'$rmv':\?;;')
export $PATH

Still having the same problem

Edit your last post and add code tags as already asked for.

Please post the error you get; maybe add a set -x in the head of your script for more verbose output.

Here is the out put

$ echo $PATH
$ echo $rmv
$ PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$rmv';;' -e 's;'$rmv':\?;;')
$export PATH
$ echo $PATH

There is no error reported

if I put the line in a script and execute as you suggested then the output is

$ . ./
+ + sed -e s;:\?test/rmve;; -e s;test/rmve:\?;;
+ echo /usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:test/rmve:/usr/games

the has

set -x
PATH=$(echo $PATH | sed -e 's;:\?'$rmv';;' -e 's;'$rmv':\?;;')
export PATH

You can try this:

PATH=$(echo $PATH| sed -e 's!'$rmv'!!' -e 's/::/:/')
echo "PATH:" $PATH
export PATH

New code didn't work on SUN INTEL machine

I have created a shell script file with the below code

set -x
PATH=$(echo $PATH| sed -e 's!'$rmv'!!' -e 's/::/:/')
echo "PATH:" $PATH
export PATH

When I run the script, it reported the below error

# . ./
syntax error: `PATH=$' unexpected
echo $PATH |awk -F":" -v v="$rmv" '{for(i=1;i<=NF;i++)if($i==v){$i=""}}1' OFS=":"

on Solaris use nawk

Is there any script which will work on all the machines?

On Solaris INTEL machine, the previous script behaves in below manner

$echo $PATH
$PATH=$(echo $PATH| sed -e 's!'$rmv'!!' -e 's/::/:/')
syntax error: `testvar=$' unexpected
$echo $PATH| sed -e 's!'$rmv'!!' -e 's/::/:/'

The script works just fine, but it fails to reassign PATH

rmpath() #@ remove directory or directories from $PATH
{        #@ USAGE: rmpath dir ...
    for p in "$@"
      p=${p%"${p##*[!/]}"} ## remove trailing slashes
      case $PATH in
          "$p":*) PATH=${PATH#$p:} ;; ## at beginning of PATH
          *:"$p") PATH=${PATH%:$p} ;; ## at end of PATH
          *:"$p":*) PATH=${PATH%":$p"*}${PATH##*"$p"} ;;
    export PATH
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