remote file copy across 2 systems (AIX and SCO)


Pls i need to copy some data from AIX Unix 4.3 to a SCO Openserve 5.0.5 using rcp command. But i keep on having permission error. WHAT IS THE SOLTION OR WHAT COMMAND CAN I USE AGAIN

you need a read, write permision to be able to copy a file.

make sure you have a read,write permission on the file you intend to copy
and a read, write permisson on the directory you are copying to.

you can change permission by using the
chmod command.

read the man page for chmod syntax

You can use .rhosts if this is a one-time process OR you can keep the .rhosts and disable it when you don't need it to keep from having an possible security hole.

Just put each host's name and the root user or other user in the appropriate home directory for that user. Make sure it is executable. Then disable it when not in use.

SCO box
#vi .rhosts

<hostname> user

# vi .rhosts

<hostname> user

My brain is your brain...

And be careful to remember that Kerberos or DCE may be presenting another layer of security that is preventing the operation.

If you don't have PSSP installed or haven't actively installed & activated DCE etc you will not need to consider this...

I'm not so sure about the SCO end of things. :confused:

Or you could just FTP it across..
