Reinstall virtual I/O Server & LCD code 0518

I am receiving an LCD display code of 0518 when trying to re-install the Virtual I/O server (VIOS) from a DVD on a Power 750 system, model 8233-E8B.
It is stuck on the "Welcome To The Virtual I/O Server boot image timestamp" screen.

Here is some background:

I had successfully installed the VIOS as well as AIX 6.1. I did not create the AIX 6.1 as an LPAR but just installed the AIX 6.1 as a stand alone install. By installing the AIX 6.1, the VIOS software was wiped out.

How can I get past this error 0518 error now? Thanks for any help

When you say you installed the VIO server software as well as AIX 6.1 do you mean you installed both on the same LPAR?

If so it is no wonder you wiped out the VIO installation as they are both seperate entities! Had you intended to do an alt-disk-install? Not that I am sure that is possible with this configuration!

As far as your error is concerned here a definition of the LED error code:

518 Remote mount of the root and /usr file systems failed during network boot.

Have you checked the configuration of the LPAR in SMS? It appears you have no ROOTVG!

When you say you installed the VIO server software as well as AIX 6.1 do you mean you installed both on the same LPAR?

>> I guess that I must have done that.

If so it is no wonder you wiped out the VIO installation as they are both seperate entities! Had you intended to do an alt-disk-install? Not that I am sure that is possible with this configuration!

>> I meant to install aix on top or inside of the vios as an lpar. I am new to VIOS.

As far as your error is concerned here a definition of the LED error code:

518 Remote mount of the root and /usr file systems failed during network boot.

Have you checked the configuration of the LPAR in SMS? It appears you have no ROOTVG!

>> How can/should I check the configuration of the LPAR in SMS?
I guess what I really want to do is get to a console in AIX and wipe out anything to do with AIX so I can start from scratch and reinstall the VIOS once again. That is all I am trying to do at this point to move forward.

Any suggestions on this?

I would just delete the AIX 6 lpar on the 750 and start from scratch. Make sure you create it as a VIOS and not AIX lpar.

Can you please provide the commands to perform this? Do I need to enter single user mode? etc..

If it hasn't been said already, you need two lpars, eh? One for the VIO server and one for AIX.

2 things you need check:

  1. when you create the lapr from hmc, the server type you need using VIOS not AIX&Linux
  2. you do not need install AIX first, because VIOS sw already with base AIX sw.

I think the problem is you selected wrong type of the server.

edit the lpar profile, you will solve the problem.

Good Luck!

Well, I ended up going into single user mode from sms and removing everything. Now, I try to install VIOS and I am still seeing the "0518" error with the "Welcome to Vios". I then shutdown/restarted again and still see the AIX image. How to perm remove this image? Note: I have removed everything from the shell with rm.

How can I simply delete the AIX LPAR?

Also, to answer another question posted here, i had done lspv when I went into single user mode and saw two pv's (rootvg and another one I had created).


How did you go into SMS? From the HMC?

If yes then the LPAR is deleted from the same place!

Select the frame on which the LPAR is situated. You should then see a listing of LPARs. Right click on the LPAR to be deleted and select delete.