Refresh Firefox tabs periodically

Hi all

I'm a shell script newbie so please have some patience with me :smiley:

To my question:
I wrote a simple shell script which opens a firefox instance with multiple tabs. So far, so good. But I would also like to have all these tabs automatically refreshed (let's say all 45 seconds). Is that anyhow possible with shell script?

Background: I am caching these websites and want to try out if the cache also works (over a longer period). This runs on my local server, which I restart every now and then.
I want this shell script to be launched at system start-up so that the server automatically opens firefox, all the tabs and also periodically refreshes the tabs.

Any ideas how I could manage this?

I hope there is a "simple" solution for this.. .


No need shell script.

There are several add-on in Firefox, seach by keyword "record", you will get several.