Redirecting output to new file for command "perldoc perllocal"


I have to redirect output of the command "perldoc perllocal" to new file which
contains all the perl module installed.

Currently using

perldoc perllocal >> mod_data

This does not contain all perl modules installed locally on machine, and each character is doubled.

Please help me out to list all perl modules installed in machine , using perl script.


Please, try:

perldoc -otext -d mod_data perllocal

If that does work, try your luck with brute force:

perl -MFile::Find=find -MFile::Spec::Functions -le 'find { wanted => sub { print canonpath $_ if /\.pm$/ }, no_chdir => 1 }, @INC' > mod_data

Note: There is no need for a >> unless there's content in mod_data you do not want to overwrite.

Thanks, but when i tried - i am getting permission issue. can you please help

[root@scsos0001413001 ~]# perldoc -otext -d mod_data perllocal
Can't write-open mod_data: Permission denied at /opt/lib/perl5/5.14.0/Pod/ line 1597.

You need to find out why it can not create the file mod_data in the directory that you are executing the command perldoc