redirect frintf to a variable

how to redirect printf to a variable

$ a=$(printf "%08x" 22)
$ echo $a

this is not working :frowning:

here is my code for

FREE=`free -m | awk '/^Mem:/	{ printf( "%s\n", $4 ); }'`
USED=`free -m | awk '/^Mem:/	{ printf( "%s\n", $3 ); }'`
TOTAL=`expr $FREE + $USED`
 printf "FREEPER: %3.2f%%\n", FREE / TOTAL * 100
 printf "USEDPER: %3.2f%%\n", USED / TOTAL * 100

i would like to pass each printf output to a variable

I don't follow your explanation, but...

free -m | awk '/^Mem:/ { f+=$4; u+=$3 } END {t=f+u; printf("FREEPER: %3.2f\n USEDPER: %3.2f\n", f/t*100, u/t*100)}'

this is really simplified but any chance to pass FREEPER and USEDPER to two variables

it's possible:

free -m > /tmp/foo$$; eval $(awk '/^Mem:/ { f+=$4; u+=$3 } END {t=f+u; printf("FREEPER=%3.2f\nUSEDPER=%3.2f\n", f/t*100, u/t*100)}' /tmp/foo$$); rm /tmp/foo$$; echo $USEDPER

What is it that you're after?
Most likely you don't have to pass the variables back to shell - everything could be down within awk itself...

to make this script run in continues time intervals
if for certain time span the USEDMEM is high then generate an ALERT
also avoiding using cron job

something to start with...


typeset -i thrF=80
typeset -i thrU=90

typeset -i sleepPeriod=10

while :
  free -m | awk -f tF=${thrF} -v "${thrU}"'/^Mem:/ { f+=$4; u+=$3 } END {t=f+u; freeper=f/t*100; usedper=u/t*100
; if (freep>thrF) printf("freeper > thresholdFree\n"); if (usedp>thrU) printf("usedper > thresholdUsed\n")}'
  sleep "${sleepPeriod}"

It is definitely working. I copy and pasted the command and its result.

You should have explained in your posting you were expecting awk printf to be redirected in a variable. Without context, it's hard to guess.

Here is probably what you are looking for, although there are a lot of potential optimizations:

FREE=`free -m | awk '/^Mem:/    { printf( "%s\n", $4 ); }'`
USED=`free -m | awk '/^Mem:/    { printf( "%s\n", $3 ); }'`
TOTAL=`expr $FREE + $USED`
FREEPER=$(awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL -v FREE=$FREE -v USED=$USED 'BEGIN {printf "%3.2f%%",FREE/TOTAL*100;exit}')
USEDPER=$(awk -v TOTAL=$TOTAL -v FREE=$FREE -v USED=$USED 'BEGIN {printf "%3.2f%%",USED/TOTAL*100;exit}')