Redhat 7.2 on vmware issue

I have Dell laptop having windows 8
vmware workstation 9
redhat 7.2

After installation it only get me into text mode instead f GUI

Please help


init 5

Assuming you installed an X server and a window manager.

I did not install anything. just booted the vm through iso Red Hat Linux 7.2. Selected cusotm install then it asked me VGA card, my laptop AMD vga card wasnt listed so i chosen generic SVGA after completion. it logged me into text mode not GUI

By "custom install", due you mean that when you booted Red Hat Linux 7.2 as a guest VM, you selected that option? If so, what configuration options did you select when you created the VM?

no I selected ISO it detected automatically.. by custom i mean i had multiple options like
here i chose custom