Red-hat AS 2.1 network question

I have setup a AS 2.1 server with no X running or installed. I need to know how to configure the IP and such from command line and change it from DHCP. We used DHCP at first since we didn't know the IP we were going to use and now I need to change it. Any help would be great as Redhat's site just says use the redhat-config-network tool but as stated with our build we use that doesn't get installed. Thanks in advance

There are a few things you'll have to do to set this up.

Do an ifconfig eth0 down to bring the adapter down (assuming that eth0 is your ethernet device)

Firstly, edit the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth0 file and get the network configuration as you should want it.

For example, without DHCP, something like

All these settings are dependant on your particular network, however.

You can then either reboot, or run the ifup command (/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifup eth0) or (/sbin/ifup eth0) depending on where it's located, or just do an "ifconfig eth0 up", and that should bring the interface back up.

Run "ifconfig -a" to see what eth0 is doing!

You may need to add a route do the default gateway too, depending on your setup.

You'll need to make the appropriate entry in /etc/hosts for the new static IP


Thank you a ton :slight_smile: