Read/Write Data on CD/RW Disk

Would simply like to write data (no audio) to a CD/RW disk. The disk drive states CD/RW on the front but don't know for sure if the software is configured to recognize it as a writable disk. I can read/move data from the disk to the hard drive with no issue from the disk. Any help in this process would be much appreciated.

cdrtools is available in the SUNWmkcdS package. If pkginfo show the package is installed you are good to go.

I think, but cannot tell, that you want cdrecord.

how to burn CD/DVD in solaris - Reed's Online Notes

Thanks for the prompt response Jim,

pkginfo displays the "SFDcdrtl" package with a "cdrtools" description

I've looked at cdrecord but isn't this associated with mkisofs? I'm looking for a simple way to move simple text files from Solaris to Windows without modifying the file extension or type...similar to what I can currently do from the CD/RW to hard drive. Is this even possible without first creating an iso file?

The simplest way is with ftp.

The easiest for users way is with samba. It makes an SMB (native Windows protocol ) share available to any windows box. Create a share on the Solaris box, then mount a share on the windows box. All of the files in the shared drive on Soalris are instaly available on the any PC you want. You can read only. Or read write to move files both ways.

This shows you exactly how to do it.

How to configure SAMBA in Solaris

This avoids the ISO problem.

Thanx again Jim,

Our UNIX setup is a closed network so setting up a samba share unfortunately is not an option. Our staff was wondering whether there was a simple method of moving files as I've noted without exposing our network.

Again, thank you for taking time to look at our question.

