reading XML datas via Shell Script

Hi all,

i have an xml file with this fomat(exactly) :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE TestSuite SYSTEM "../../CallCrt.dtd">
<TestSuite description="Diameter">
	<FileReference FileName="DMI_FC01.xml"/>      
	<!--<FileReference FileName="DMI_FC02.xml"/>
             --> <FileReference FileName="DMI_FC03.xml"/>  
            <FileReference FileName="DMI_FC04.xml"/>   

i would like to read the data without datas inside comments,
could somebody give me a simple shell script to do that.
many thanks


use strict;
use warnings;
#use Data::Dumper;                                                                                                           
use XML::Simple;

my $ref = XMLin('file.xml');

#print Dumper($ref);                                                                                                         

for my $k (@{$ref->{FileReference}})
    next unless($ref->{description} eq 'Diameter');

    print "$k->{FileName}\n";