Reading a property file through shell script???

i need a script that can read a property file.
i.e., A script to read a "property" from property file.
Read the property value and
based on value of property, decide whether to start the some dataload activity or not.

Its urngent. Can anyone help me out???:frowning:

Post the file sample and desired action to be taken based on the file.

man source

Lemme make the scene more clear.

There are java properties files which are having key and action related to that.(For example am attaching a property file,its like text file can open with notepad)

Here is the problm: Script should read that property file and if the value of property file is YES, then it should start the activity of dataload.or more precisly its should return YES valuse to crontab which will start the dataload, which i will configure in crontab.
If property file value is NO. then not to start dataload.

If you understand n how much u understand. then please help me out.

Please remove txt from extension as to get properties file.

$ [ `awk -F= '/DATA_LOAD/ {print $2}' property_file` = "YES" ] && echo "DataLoad script started" || echo "DataLoad not started"
.  # source the files ( make sure you have . (dot) before the filename)
if [ "$DATA_LOAD" -eq "YES" ]
  # do something
  #do something

The rules here have not changed, YOU are to show us what you tried so we can help you solve... Not expect others to do your job, sorry guys, without anything showing you tried (and no more "Its Urgent" thing) all thread from you might very well be deleted, and guys please help the poor that are making an effort...

If it were that urgent how come you still havent sent anything?
Thread closed then...

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