"User-License" in HP machine is wrong

The results of a uname -a command in my HP box render the following:

HP-UX msphnyc1 B.10.20 A 9000/889 1601445741 two-user license

This is one of four machines, with the other three reporting that I have a "16-user" license. I know that my company bought 16-user licenses for all four machines, but this one reports two-user.

Where does uname derive it's information? Is there a file I can change so that uname -a will report the correct license?

I am running HPUX 10.20 and rebooting is the last of my options.

Thanks in advance,

-Chris D.

The normal way to configure user licenses is to add a codeword through swinstall. I can only guess you installed a wrong codeword. I have no idea where the information is stored but I'd say it would not be easy to hack it :wink:
Why not just the correct codeword if your company did buy the licenses?

I have never played around with codewords. Can you kinda point me in the right direction? Not sure what they are, nor how to manipulate them.

-Chris D.

What you need are:

  • your original HP-UX installation CD's (core OS + application)

  • your HP certificates with codewords.

Then fire up an interactive swinstall session. Browse through the menu to find an option add codeword. By putting a correct codeword or key you will 'unlock' hidden install packages on the mounted CD. With the right key you will get a package with description 'H-UX 16-user license'. Then you can select the package and install it.

Mind you, I don't know on which CD you should be looking for so you'll have to try them all :slight_smile: