"ksh -" as login shell bypassing .profile

Hi all,

I am currently trying to tell /bin/ksh to behave like a login shell. I am invoking it from an interactive shell. In the documentation is stated, that calling it with

exec ksh -

it should behave like a login shell, work 1st on /etc/profile, ~/.profile and so on.
I tried that with different quotations but had no success, usually nothing happened or session closed etc..
pSeries and AIX Information Center

I then found a hint on some page that invoking it with a small C-program should help and indeed it worked:

#include <stdio.h>
#include <unistd.h>

int main(void)
     return 0;

Problem with this is, it has to be compiled for different versions of AIX. So I'd rather like a solution solely with shell commands if possible.

Sadly I found no other option in the man page for ksh to tell it to read .profile ie. behave like a login shell. For pdksh, bash, (ksh93 I think too) etc. there are such options, but I can't use any other but plain /bin/ksh in this case.

Thanks for any hint in forward.