"flar create" produces a tiny flar image of rpool

can someone help with the following?
I got 1x146GB disk which is span by just one zfs rpool.
When issue for example:

as you can see in above output the flar is very small, just around 10KB
rpool with all data sets has several GB so this can't be good image. This is on the Solaris 10 update7.
Has anyone seen something similar before ?
Any hints are welcome

You need at least Solaris 10 update 8 to create a flash archive of a ZFS rpool.

in general yes, but you can also do this on Solaris 10 u7 with some extra patches.
I could runt successfully he same flar creation cmd at the other server which has the same patch level.. This is strange to me..

You might want to check patch leverls with

showrev -p  

to verify patches. Sounds like something is not what you think it is.