"Content-type: text/html No input file specified." Only in CRON but not when executed directly

Hi gang, I have the following code inside a the file script.sh

todaysdate=$(date --date='7 day' +'%d')
todaysmonth=$(date +'%m')
todaysyear=$(date +'%Y')

nicedate=$(date --date='5 day' +'%A')

nice="$nicedate, $todaysmonth/$todaysdate"


echo $yahoodatestring;

echo $url;

#wget -O thefile.html $url

 sed -n "/align=center>/,/<\/small>/p" thefile.html > step1.html     
 sed -n "/<td>/,/<\/td>/p" step1.html > step2.html
 sed -n '/N\/A/{s/.*//;x;d;};x;p;${x;p;}' step2.html | sed '/^$/d' > step3.html
 sed -n "/\">/,/<\/a>/p" step3.html > step4.html
 grep 'finance.yahoo' step4.html > step5.html
  sed 's/.\{12\}$//' step5.html > step6.html 
  rev step6.html | cut -c -7 | rev > step7.html
  cut -d '>' -f2 step7.html > step8.html
  php yahoo-pull.php > email.html
  tail -n+2 email.html > email2.txt
 mail -s "$(echo -e 'Companies Reporting On $nice\nContent-Type: text/html')"  email@gmail.com  <  email2.txt

when I run ./script.sh in the command line, it runs fine and I receive an email to my inbox with the script output. However, when I try to schedule it as a cron, I get an email that says

"Content-type: text/html No input file specified."

To summarize, when the script is run in the command line manually it works, but when it is in cron, I get "Content-type: text/html No input file specified."

Does anybody have any ideas why this happens?

Give it a full path to email2.txt inside your script

When using cron, as well, is best to give a full path to everything and not just rely on your PATH variable

I took the extra step and added a full path to every line referencing another file. It seems to be working so far....