"boot cdrom - install" is not possible

Hi all,
I've this problem:

I want to install Solaris 10 on Sun Enterprise 450 but when I type "boot cdrom - install" command from OK PROMPT I read this message.
"Can't open input device". I attempt to change "cdrom" with its "alias", after to have typing "devalias" command, but nothing!

What is the problem ? Can you provide any solutions?

Thank you!!!

do this:

ok setenv auto-boot? false
ok reset-all
ok probe-scsi-all

search for the path to your cd-rom from the last output and then try:

ok boot /path/to/cdrom@0:f


Hi Sunb3,

  1. Check that the media your trying to boot from is not corrupted

  2. Check that the hardware is ok, can you read any other bootable cdrom - Dvd?

  3. I think you can run obdiag from OBP prompt to test hardware.

  4. Ensure the OBP firmware is updated to the latest, should be;

E450/U450 OBP 3.16 Version 2 + POST 6.0.9 + OBDIAG 4.4.1


704-6667-15 Flash Update 2.5 CD-ROM
724-3382-06 Flash Update 2.5 Assembly (October 2001)

Patches required are above

I hope this is of help.


Hi all,

after to have installed Solaris 10 on Sun Enterprice 450 (which has 4 hard disks) I used "df -k" command and look only mounted root disk. And "vfstab" and "mnttab" file I don't look the 3 remaining disk.

How can I mount the other disks if I don't look them?

thank you!

use "format" to see the disks and to partition them. after that give them a filesystem with "newfs" and enter them in /etc/vfstab.
or (as you are on solaris10) use ZFS. depends on what you like to do with the disks. ZFS is really easy to use. if you need help with ZFS, please post the output of "echo | format".

Probably not a good idea on an E-450, it's not going to have a lot of memory to give to the ARC cache.

therefore i wrote:
depends on what you like to do with the disks...

if performance doesn't matter... and with a max of 450mhz for the cpus in the 450... you can limit the use of arc cache... and and and.

the infos are sparse...

ZFS Evil Tuning Guide - Siwiki