"! bad user (root)" in cron log

I am getting the following error in the cron log:

! bad user (root) Wed Sep 22 14:30:00 2010
<  root 8989 c Wed Sep 22 14:30:00 2010 rc=1

What does this mean?

I don't known.
Don't worry.
You known what scipt start about 14:30.
check this script, if it is safe try do the scipt as root....

This is most likely that the account is exither expired, or the password is locked, but these types of things shouldn't be happening for the root account.

Run logins -axl and look for a LK instead of a PS, also check the very last 6 digit field and see if it set to a date in the past. Check the logins manpage for all of the -x options you see below and what exactly they do.

# logins -axl root
root          0       other           1       Super-User
                        PS 000000 -1 -1 -1
                        -1 000000

Anybody think root can do all, no.
This message sed that exist job started as root.
Root can't do it. Job ended with exit "1".

I have 2 quick suggestions:
First, Was the cron daemon running? Do a ps -ef|grep. Of course if it is running now, maybe it wasn't running then.
Second, I've never seen that error, but I noticed the "rc=1". Was the system in single user mode? Just wondered.

Every time this has happened to me at my work place, it is because the account in question has been either locked or the account is aged. This shouldn't be happening to root, but I'd check out the actual account setup to make sure that it is still proper.