Question about setting up a hard drive for a videoserver under Linux

Hi there,

I'm currently preparing for an exam and came across a question that I don't really know how to answer.

"You want to set up a hard drive for a videoserver under linux.

  • The videofiles will have a size of at least 10MB and a maximum of 8BG.
  • The hard drive has a disk space of 1TB.
  • You can choose one of the following block sizes: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024kB.

Which block size do you choose for the filesystem and what's the maximum number of I-Nodes you would need.

Additionally you also want to set up another filesystem for administrative data under the same conditions as above. The files have an average size of 150 Byte and the Filesystem is supposed to have a size of 100MB. Which block size do you choose."

I suppose the maximum amount of i-nodes for a 1TB hard drive is around 31M since there's 1 i-node created for every 32KB of space. But as for the block sizes, I have no idea what to choose.

Thanks in advance and cheers!

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