PycasaDownload 0.5beta (Default branch)

PycasaDownload is a program to download Picasa photo albums or just the photos you like best from a given album. You provide the username, and all the available public albums from that user will be presented to you. The program let you download all the photos from one or several Picasa albums, in full resolution, with just one click. You can also browse a given album and choose which photos to download. It provides a very user-friendly PyGTK GUI, and is based on the Google Picasa API. License: GNU General Public License v3 Changes:
Updated documentation. A complete redesign of the GUI. Previews for albums and for album contents. "Check for new version" has been added to the Help menu. A new logo has been created and tuned. Selective download for albums and photos. The Google API has been added to the source code; installation is not needed anymore.
