PSU info M4/5/8/9000

I need to find out PSU info for some M class severs, normally prtdiag -v show's the relevant PS info, however these M classes don't seem to go down to that level !?

Anyone any ideas , no physical or console access available at this stage :frowning:


The Man page suggests System Controller, and in turn Google suggests lom:
C H A P T E R 5 - Using Lights Out Management and the System Controller from Solaris

or rsc;
C H A P T E R 11 - Monitoring the System

Thanks for info, but none of these commands are available, this main issue is I've got around 100 of these to sort through some CLI commands that can be automated would be nice, just find it hard to beleive there aren't any :frowning:

Maybe you should set up your own secure web or ssh service to invoke local commands. Once you install it on you 100 servers or commands, you have your secure remote access. It would find and reformat the output of a correct command for each server.