Proxy server/client in Perl

I have been toying with a Proxy client/server app that will listen on the CLIENT system on lets say port 7070. User's browser proxy setting is configured for "localhost" port "7070".
When this proxy app gets a request for a URL it should FETCH the URL and display it on the browser.

I already made the listener portion of the script (it was easy) but how can I then call and get the URL that the user will request on their browser and display it to the browser acting like a proxy.

Here is the code so far. I am totally stuck :frowning: ..any help is highly appreciated :slight_smile:

use IO::Socket;

my $sock= new IO::Socket::INET (
                                LocalHost=> 'localhost',
                                LocalPort=> '7070',
                                Proto=> 'tcp',
                                Listen=> 1,
                                Reuse=> 1,
                                Type=> SOCK_STREAM,
die "Could not create socket:  $!\n" unless $sock;

my $new_sock = $sock->accept();
        while (<$new_sock>) {
                print $_;
        close ($sock);

Apache has a built-in proxying module. Is there a particular reason that won't work for you?