processing tab-formated output of command w/bash

I have a command that when ran it will have an output such as

string LongerString
string2 longerString2
More MoreStrings

seperated by tabs. The command lists domains and their accounts set up in my server admin software (interworx).

The end result will be that it will run rsync for each of the domain accounts.

For example.

rsync -a /home/account/domain/html {backupserver}:~/backup/domain/html

if i try something like
for domain in `/home/interworx/bin/listaccounts.pex`
echo $domain

it just prints out each word on its own line.

i've tried different forms of
while read line;
echo "${line}"
done < script_command and it always returns something like

./ line 4: xxxxxo
unxxxxxxe No such file or directory

Any ideas ?

Take a look at the rsync man page. Maybe you could simplify your life and use the following:
--files-from=FILE read list of source-file names from FILE

Just an idea. Not sure if it's exactly what you're looking for.

well, to provide a more in depth example of what i was hoping to acheive:

The script would perform the following, in order...

# cd /home/interworx/bin/

# run listdomains.pex which returns domains set up on server.
# output from that tool is as follows
# lfguildn
# domain2

$account = lfguildn
$domain =

# start loop on each line from listdomains.pex

# run backup.pex which backs up domain information from host control panel on each domain.

# scp partial backup .tar.gz from /home/$account/$domain/iworkx-backup/*{$date}.tgz

#perform rsync of HTML data from web directory
#make backup.hostname:~/webdata/$account/html directory if not exist

#rsync -av /home/$account/$domain/html/ backup.user@backup.hostname:~/webdata/$account/html/

The end goal is to have a tool that can be used to back up any dedicated server that one has leased at and uses the Interworx Control Panel.

The only thing i cant figure out is how to to loop, line by line, on the output of a command in bash scripting.

I could write this as a php tool (or perl), but i'd rather use straight bash to make it simple and fast.